Getting started

NOTE: The mobile application is not designed for complete use of the Compass platform; it is designed for quick access to a set of specific information and specific actions. All features included in the application are outlined in this article.



Installation and setup

Both the IOS and Android applications are available to download for free from the Apple App Store or the Google Play store. Once installed and opened for the first time, there will be a prompt to choose which school the user is from. After selecting the desired school there will be an opportunity to enter a Login ID and Password and if successful, the account will be saved to the device.
In order to remove an account, press and hold the account, release, and select 'Remove'.

List of the main uses of the application, based on user type.


          Check personal schedule
          Check Learning Tasks
          Upload submissions/comments to Learning Tasks
          Look at Reports (If applicable)
          Access My Files


          Check students schedule
          Check students learning tasks
          Make Attendance Notes
          Check student reports


Selecting the Menu icon from the top left hand corner of the screen will reveal links to some of the available areas in the application. These links will vary depending on which type of user is logged in at the time. Alternative to using the menu, users will be able to swipe left and right across the app to navigate between pages.


                                                                                                Android Mobile


Home Page

The Home page contains a quick view of the daily Schedule as well the Newsfeed for the user. The Schedule initially shows the most current entries for the day, but this can be expanded to show all entries for the day. Below this, the Newsfeed displays as the user would normally see on a computer. Newsfeed posts are visible on a mobile device however, it is not possible to create or edit a post and priority settings are not taken into account when displaying the Newsfeed posts on a mobile. Users will be able to view only their own Newsfeed on a mobile device.


                                                                                                Android Mobile

The Schedule

The Schedule will display all entries relative to the user on the selected date, the same as it would on any other computer or device. For students, selecting a class entry will allow them to view any important information logged against that class such as Lesson plan, location, teacher, and so on. For staff members, accessing a class entry from the schedule will allow them to mark the roll as well as view Teacher or Lesson plans.


                                                              Apple iPhone                                                                                 Apple iPhone